1) Outward Focused - We will continue to ask, "How might God use me to reach the lost?" We will avoid a consumeristic approach to the church. (1 Corinthians 9:22-23)
2) Relevant - We will seek to preach and teach timeless truths in timely ways. (Acts 15:19)
3) Biblical - We believe the Bible to be inspired by God. The basis for our teaching and preaching will be on God's Word as we rely on his wisdom. (2 Timothy 3:16)
4) Bringing Best - We believe God deserves the best of all that we have. We believe bringing our best represents our God well and inspires his people. (1 Samuel 7:2)
5) All Involved - We all have a part to play in pursuing our mission. (1 Corinthians 12)
6) Inviting - One of the most effective tools we have to reach the lost is the invitation. (Mark 1:16-20)
7) Grace-Centered - We will remember that the grace of Jesus is what propels us to do his will. It is why we are saved, and it is our inspiration. (Romans 1:16)