Axis Class Revolves Around Christ!
Axis Class (aka Confirmation Class) is designed for young adults in 6th through 8th grade. We cover the best parts of the Bible to give your young adult a solid Biblical foundation. It's also a great starting point for a committed relationship with Jesus.
Axis Class is a two-year curriculum that covers subjects such as who God is, what the cross and the empty tomb are all about, how to read the Bible, Baptism, the Lord's Supper, the 10 commandments and their application to us today.
Pastor Blumer uses video, audio, dialogue questions, and ice breakers to keep the group engaged. There are also 2 fun outings per year. Recent fun outings include bowling, going out for ice cream on our "Christian Date Night," and Pastor Dustin even did the Buffalo Wild Wings Blazin' Challenge!
We meet at church every other Wednesday from 6:00 - 7:15pm. The opportunity to join Axis Class comes each September. For meeting dates, see below or click the calendar link across the top of the home page on our website.
At the end of Axis Class students are invited but not obligated to be confirmed in the faith at Amazing Love.
2024-2025 Axis Class Dates:
January 28th
February 11th
February 25th
March 11th
March 25th
April 8th
April 22nd
May 13th
May 18th - Confirmation Sunday