Good news photoweb

This world is filled with problems. Right? Just watch the news. Day in and day out we struggle with them. We may struggle with relational problems with our kids, spouse, or neighbors. We may struggle with financial problems and debt. We may struggle with sickness, death, and the tragedies of this life - which seemingly have no explanation.

All of these problems stem from a far deeper problem - they are symptoms of the source. Sin is the source of all these problems. Sin separates us from God and makes us his enemies. Sin is the evil we and others do. Sin is the reason for all the pain in this world.

All people are guilty of sin. No one is as good as God demands us to be. For God doesn’t require us to be “good people” or at least better than average. God doesn’t say, “Well, as long as you’re not as evil as the murderers, rapists, and people on the news - then you are ok in my book.” Rather, God demands perfection. And even one sin, even one bad thought, is enough that God should send us to hell forever.

But here’s the good news and why we exist...

When we had no way to please God or come to him - motivated by his amazing love - he sent his only Son, Jesus. And Jesus did what we couldn’t do. He lived a perfect, sinless life. He then died on cross to pay the punishment that our sins deserved. That’s right - the sins of everyone who ever lived or ever will live are paid for. And because of this God offers forgiveness of sins to all people as a free gift.

And so we understand God is not the source of the world’s problems or the problems in your life right now. Rather, he is the only one who has created a solution to these problems. And he promises hope for this life, and eternal life with him in a place without problems and sin.

We couldn’t think of a better way of describing what God has done than with these two words. Amazing Love. The good news of Jesus is what we are all about. And God promises that when we hear God’s message, as you just have read, then the Holy Spirit will work in our hearts and keep us close to him. So we invite you to join us at Amazing Love to hear the Word of God and to learn more about the amazing love of God.